Terms and Conditions

We guarantee your data privacy

Terms and Conditions

By using ChatGPT 4, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Service usage: Our service should not be used for any illegal activities or to infringe upon the rights of others. You should not use our service to create misleading or false content.

  2. Intellectual Property: All content generated by the ChatGPT 4 platform remains the intellectual property of ChatGPT 4. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

  3. User Obligations: You're responsible for the content you use and create with ChatGPT 4. We are not liable for any harm or damages caused by your misuse of the service.

  4. Changes to Terms and Conditions: We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions without prior notification. Changes will be effective upon posting on our website.
  5. Termination: We reserve the right to terminate your access to our services at any time, under our sole discretion.

  6. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use our services. For any questions about our terms and conditions, please contact us at [email protected].